
Our security strategy involves the following components

Organizational security

Information Security Management is at core of what we do at Scalenut and the following document enlists all the measures and checks we deploy taking in account our security objectives and the risks and mitigations concerning all the interested parties. We employ strict policies and procedures encompassing the security, availability, processing, integrity, and confidentiality of customer data.

Employee background checks

Each new employee undergoes a process of background verification. We hire reputed external agencies to perform this check on our behalf. We do this to verify their criminal records, previous employment records if any, and educational background. Until this check is performed, the employee is not assigned tasks that may pose risks to users.

Dedicated Infrastructure Management teams

We have dedicated infrastructure management team that implements and manages our security programs. They engineer and maintain our cloud systems, assist in review processes for security, and constantly monitor our networks to detect suspicious activity. They provide domain-specific consulting services and guidance to our engineering teams.

Internal audit and compliance

We conduct periodic audits to check for any vulnerabilities as well as check our system against the most recent known attacks. The purpose is to review procedures and policies in Scalenut to align them with standards, and to determine what controls, processes, and systems are needed to meet the standards. This team also does periodic internal audits and facilitates independent audits and assessments by third parties.

Endpoint security